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Opening Diczfalusy Meeting - 2007

Opening Meeting of the
Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

18 – 19 September, 2007
Szeged, Hungary

GreetingVenueScientific ProgrammeDownloadsAwardsPhotosVideos


Prof. Attila Pál - president of the Foundation

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a particular honour and a great pleasure for me to extend a most cordial welcome to all of you to the Opening Meeting of the Egon and Ann Foundation for the support of Research on Reproductive Health at the University of Szeged.

Khalil Gibran says in the Prophet that „vague and nebolous is the beginning of all things, but not their end”. The idea of this Foundation emerged gradually in the course of a series of discussions; however it was uncertain to the very last moment, whether or not we will succeed in establishing the Foundation in time for the Opening Meeting, because the complex legal procedures, financial problems and shortness of time.

We have learned from history that all times were difficult times, but also that some of them were more difficult than others, the present one probably more difficult and complex than all times since the dawn of history. Such times are considered with caution, since it is generally believed that they are not suitable for new departures.

There is an interesting monument of Léon Gambetta in Paris with an inscription on the Base of the monument by the American poet, Walt Whitman: „No one can forbid us the future.” and we felt, that – whatever happens – there will always be a future for humankind, because that future is created in the minds of the future generations of young scientists. We were influenced in our decision by Publilius Syrus, who almost 100 years ago emphasized that „nobody knows what he can do, unless he tries” and even more, by the statement of the famous polar explorer and humanist, Fridtjof Nansen: „The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.”

And we decided to try, trusting in our good friends’ help and assistance in every corner of the world. And – together with you – we are greatly looking forward to this Opening Meeting, promising already now, that more to come!

There is an old fable about the two devoted friends, the little piggy and the hen, who – on a Sunday-promenade – became very hungry, and the hen suggested to visit the neighbouring small restaurant and have ham and eggs. No, never! The piggy said, because for you it is a contribution, but for me it is a commitment. For us on the Board of Directors the future development of this foundation is a lifetime commitment; however, to be able to do so, we will need your and others contribution. Please help us, in order to be able to help others, who need help!

I wish you all a successful scientific meeting of high quality and a most pleasant sejour in Szeged!

Sign of Professor Attila Pál

Prof. Attila Pál
president of the Foundation

Sign of Professor Egon Diczfalusy

Prof. Egon Diczfalusy
founder of the Foundation

Venue: Hotel Tisza - Wesselényi utca 6, Szeged, Hungary

Scientific programme

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

15.30 – 16.15 Introduction of the Presidium. Short allocutions. Narrator: Elisabeth Sillo
H.E. Mr. Piamsak Milintachinda, Royal Thai Ambassador to Hungary
Dr. László Botka, Mayor of Szeged
Prof. Gábor Szabó, Rector, University of Szeged
Prof. György Benedek, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged
Prof. Britt-Marie Landgren, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Prof. Giovanni Scambia, Representative of the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome
Prof. Egon Diczfalusy, Founder
Prof. Attila Pál, President of the Foundation, Szeged
Prof. Giuseppe Benagiano, Vice-president of the Foundation, Geneva
Prof. György Bártfai, Vice-president of the Foundation, Szeged
16.15 – 18.05 OPENING SESSION
Chairs: Prof. Giovanni Scambia, Rome, Italy – Prof. György Benedek, Szeged, Hungary
16.15 – 16.30 Mission impossible: The background history of the Egon & Ann Diczfalusy Foundation
Prof. Attila Pál, President of the Foundation, Szeged, Hungary
16.30 – 16.40 Short presentation of the Diczfalusy medal
Prof. György Bártfai, Vice-president of the Foundation, Szeged, Hungary
16.40 – 16.55 Laudatio of the Awardee of the Foundation
Prof. Giuseppe Benagiano, Vice-president of the Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
16.55 – 17.25 Honorary Lecture delivered by the Awardee
The developmental biology of a scientist and of a friendship in Stockholm
Prof. Salvatore Mancuso, Rome, Italy
17.25 – 17.30 Handing over the Diczfalusy Medal
Prof. Egon Diczfalusy, Rönninge, Sweden
17.35 – 17.45 Laudatio of the first Prize–winner
Prof. Márta Katona, Board Member of the Foundation, Szeged, Hungary
17.45 – 18.00 Short presentation of the work of the Prize-winner
Gender differences in estrogen receptor patterns of small arteries
María-Natalia Cruz, MD,PhD, Stockholm, Sweden
18.00 – 18.05 Handing over the Diczfalusy Prize
Prof. Egon Diczfalusy, Rönninge, Sweden
18.05 – 18.30 Intermission
18.30 – 22.30 FIRST SESSION
Chairs: Prof. Britt-Marie Landgren, Stockholm, Sweden – Prof. Paul Van Look, Geneva, Switzerland
18.30 – 18.40 Presentation of the keynote–lecturer
Prof. Paul Van Look, Geneva, Switzerland
18.40 – 19.20 Keynote address: Stem cells: New approach to an old story
Prof. Günter Stock, Berlin, Germany
19.20 – 19.25 Closing remarks by the chair
19.30 – 20.30 Gala Concert given by Italian and Hungarian Opera Singers to celebrate the establishment of the Foundation and the first Award and Prize winners
20.30 – 22.30 Get together party

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

8.30 – 9.50 SECOND SESSION
Chairs: Prof. Henry Gabelnick, Washington, USA - Prof. László Kovács, Szeged, Hungary
8.30 – 9.10 Egon Diczfalusy: the man, the scientist, the humanitarian
Prof. Giuseppe Benagiano, Vice-president of the Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
9.10 – 9.50 Mechanism of action of emergency contraception
Prof. Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Stockholm, Sweden
10.10 – 10.30 Coffee-break
10.30 – 11.30 THIRD SESSION
Chairs: Prof. Ursula Habenicht, Berlin, Germany – Prof. David F. Archer, Norfolk, USA
10.30 – 11.00 Cancer stem cells from solid tumours: New prognostic and diagnostic tools
Dr. Ruggero de Maria, Rome, Italy
11.00 – 11.30 Estetrol: Vita nova for a fetal steroid
Prof. Herjan J.T. Coelingh Bennink, Zeist, The Netherlands
11.50 – 12.40 FOURTH SESSION
Chair: Prof. Egon Diczfalusy, Rönninge, Sweden
11.50 – 12.30 Valedictory lecture: Reproduction through the eyes of an inquisitive scientist
Prof. Robert G. Edwards, Cambridge, UK
12.30 – 12.40 Closing remarks: What is past is prologue
Prof. Attila Pál, President of the Foundation, Szeged, Hungary
12.40 – 14.00 Luncheon buffet / Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Diczfalusy Foundation
17.00 – 18.00 Acceptance of the Diczfalusy Donations – Medals and Honours – by the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Szeged (by invitation)
18.00 – 21.00 Acceptance of the Diczfalusy Donations – Precolumbian Art Collection and Distinctions – by the Medical Faculty of the University of Szeged (by invitation)


Download the full Programme of the Opening Meeting.



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