{ DAL Meetings }


16th Diczfalusy Meeting - 2024

16th Annual Meeting of the
Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

19-21 September, 2024
Szeged, Hungary

GreetingScientific ProgrammeRegistration FeesDownloadsAwardsPhotos


Prof. Dr. Ferenc Bari - president of the Foundation

Dear Participants,

We are happy to organize the 16th Diczfalusy Award Lecture (DAL) symposium in Szeged in this Fall. It is a great pleasure to welcome you.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the next Diczfalusy Symposium. After considering several aspects, we have decided that the event will take place in Szeged between 19‐21 September 2024. This event will follow in time 34th ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (https://www.isuog.org/events/isuog‐world‐congress‐2024.html), which will be held on 15‐18 September in Budapest, Hungary.

We plan to ensure that scientific programs do not overlap and that all interested parties have the opportunity to participate in these events. We would like the Foundation's annual conference to be as widely publicised as possible for faculty and residents of partner universities.
The scientific focus of the Szeged conference is beginning to emerge. In agreement with the organizers, our main messages will be around the following themes:
1. State of in vitro fertilization and main research activities/scientific achievements in the region.
2. Achievements and challenges of reproductive health education among teenagers
3. Status of medical education and specialisation 
4. How can AI support more effective reproductive health care?
5. Hands-on training in microsurgery

I would like to draw your and your colleagues' attention to the conference and stress that we would very much welcome speakers/presentations from your university on the topics indicated and, of course, other new scientific results. The Diczfalusy symposium is traditionally low cost, with a projected DAL 16 co‐payment of between 150‐250 Euro, excluding accommodation costs.

Best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Ferenc Bari PhD DsC
president of the Foundation

Our main sponsor: 

Venue: ART Hotel Szeged - Somogyi u. 16., Szeged, Hungary


You can contatct the organisers of the confernece:



Scientific programme

19-21 Szeptember 2024

Registration fee:

130 Euro 15 March -10 May

150 Euro 15 May - 31 July


ART Hotel, Szeged, Hungary




Registration page

The Diczfalusy Foundation's call for the 2024 Young Researcher Award. 

In line with tradition, the Diczfalusy Foundation will award a Young Researcher Prize (“Young Scientist Award” ) to a deserving candidate. The prize will be awarded at the Foundation's 2024 Symposium (DAL16, 19-21 September 2024), where the winner will present the most important scientific achievements of his/her application. The award will be presented to a clinician or researcher with a significant research record in the field of reproductive health who is under 40 years of age at the time of the conference (born before 19 September 1984). The recipient will receive a certificate of honour and a bronze commemorative plaque reflecting Professor Diczfalusy's commitment to his Alma Mater and his medical humanism.
The Board of Trustees of the Diczfalusy Foundation invites applications from young researchers until 15 July 2024. The applications will be evaluated by invited reviewers and the Board of Trustees will decide on the award on the basis of the evaluation. Applications should include a maximum two-page application reflecting the applicant's key scientific findings, a scientific biography and a list of the top 10 publications. The application must be submitted in English in electronic format (pdf) to the following address:






How to get here?
From Budapest Airport to ART Hotel


Please porvide your posters in A0 size

ONLINE VIEWER LINKS (ZOOM)Topic: Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation - 16th Diczfalusy Award Lecture (DAL) symposium - Thursday 19 September
Time: Sep 19, 2024 10:00 Budapest
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Meeting ID: 875 6597 3918
Passcode: 427769

Topic: Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation - 16th Diczfalusy Award Lecture (DAL) symposium - Friday 20 September
Time: Sep 20, 2024 08:00 Budapest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 4222 2362
Passcode: 045182

Topic: Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation - 16th Diczfalusy Award Lecture (DAL) symposium - Saturday 21 September
Time: Sep 21, 2024 08:00 Budapest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 8930 6633
Passcode: 687355

Download the full Programme of the 16th DAL Meeting. 

Venue- Hotel Art

Thursday 19 September




Opening ceremony

Chairs: Ferenc Bari, János Annus


Diczfalusy Award Lecture: Laudation


Kristina Gemzell Danielsson (Stockholm)

Contragestion-a contraceptive continuum



Lunch break

Board meeting for members

Scientific Session - Part 1

Chairs: György Bártfai, Ana Mitrovic


Keynote talk 1

Micheline Misrahi (Paris)

Genetics of female infertility: a leap in diagnosis and application to personalized medicine


Ana Mitrovic (Beograd)

Infertility treatment and ART in Serbia - where are we now


Péter Földesy (HUN-REN)

Non-contact assessment of newborn and preterm infant activity levels, behavioral states, and sleep-wake cycles in Neonatal Intensive Care Units


Peter Koliba (Prague)

Sex education among teenagers


Emese Huszar (Univ. Pecs)

Sexual education from medical students point of view


Brenda Bernad (Timisoara)

Interventions to improve youth sexual and reproductive health in Romania


Coffee break


Poster Session

Scientific Session - Part 2

Chairs: Aleksandra Vejnovic, Peter Koliba


Elena Bernad (Timisoara)

HPV vaccination program in Romania


David Archer (Virginia)

Development of an Oral on Demand female contraceptive


Dieter Bettelheim (Vienna)

Invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures


Presentation supported by ORGANON

Szabolcs Várbiró

The importance of the personalized contraceptive counseling


Presentation supported by ORGANON

Béla Benczúr

Challenges in periprocedural anticoagulation management


Petru Chitulea (Romania)

Myomectomy during scheduled Cesarean section case report


Giovanni Grandi (Italy)

2024 Young Researcher Award Lecture


Reception (Central Building, SZTE)

Friday 20 September

Innovation in reproductive research in Hungary

A joint symposium organized by the Richter Reproduction Network and the National Laboratory on Human Reproduction

Chairs: György Thaler, Dieter Bettelheim

08:30 – 08:40

Zsolt Szombathelyi (Richter Plc.)

The new innovation eco-system of Richter. The Richter Reproduction Network.

08:40 – 09:00

Gábor L. Kovács (University of Pécs)

The National Laboratory on Human Reproduction of the University of Pécs:

the research core-facility of Richter Reproduction Network.

09:00 – 09:20

Kálmán Kovács (University of Pécs)

Clinical dimensions of female infertility in Hungary.

Pillar-1 Non-invasive embryo diagnostics

09:20 – 09:40

Gábor L. Kovács (University of Pécs)

Non-invasive genetic and biomarker research using the spent medium: a new approach to embryo viability assessment.

09:40 – 10:00

Katalin Gombos, Attila Gyenesei (University of Pécs)

Preimplantation genetic testing: the concept of ni-PGT-A.

10:00 – 10:20

Péter Fancsovits (Semmelweis University)

Time-lapse technologies and non-invasive embryo diagnostics in IVF treatments

10:20 – 10:40

József Bódis, Ákos Várnagy, Kálmán Kovács (University of Pécs)

A new method for monitoring embryo development.


Coffee break

Pillar-2 Female clinical studies related to reproduction

Chairs: István Sziller, Petru Chitulea

11:00 – 11:20

Éva Mikó, Miklós Sipos (University of Pécs and Semmelweis University)

The role of the microbiome in fertility.

11:20 – 11:40

Attila Jakab, Emese Mezősi, Timea Berki (University of Debrecen, University of Pécs)

Innovative markers in primary ovarian insufficiency.

Pillar-3 Sperm function and reproduction

11:40 - 12:00

Zsolt Kopa (Semmelweis University)

Sperm function, the new side of male infertility

12:00 - 12:20

Gábor L. Kovács (University of Pécs)

Cryo-electron microscopy in reproductive research.

12:20 - 13:30

Lunch break

Scientific Session - Part 3

Chairs: Elena Bernad, Varbiro Szabolcs


Keynote talk 2

Peter Horvath (HUN-REN)

Life beyond the pixels: single-cell analysis using deep learning and image analysis methods


Eszter Ducza (Szeged)

Changes of placental transporters and aquaporin5 expression in obesity


Paula Jorge (Porto)

Exploring the FMR1 Gene as a Predictor of IVF Outcomes


Eugloh talk

WU JIAO (China)

Creatine for women: a review of the relationship between creatine and the reproductive cycle and female‑specific benefits of creatine therapy


Coffee break

Scientific Session - Part 4

Chairs: Tihomir Vejnovic, Nicolae Suciu


Dóra Vesztergom, Miklós Sipos (Budapest)

Establishing a Fertility Preservation Network in Hungary: A Step-by-Step Guide from Initial Interventions to Legislative and Political Advocacy


Nicolae Suciu (Bucharest)

Parallel WES Analysis of Blood and Tumor Samples in Endometrial Cancer: Lynch Syndrome Associations


Flora Fehér (HUN-REN)

Non-contact assessment of newborn and preterm infant activity levels, behavioral states, and sleep-wake cycles in Neonatal Intensive Care Units


Edina Dombi - Szabolcs Várbíró (Szeged)

perinatal risk estimation and management of patients


Marius Craina (Timisoara)

Human assisted reproduction in the western Romania: past, present and future

Scientific Session - Part 5

Chairs: David Archer, Tibor Novák


Mateusz Zamlynski (Bytom, Poland) Intrauterine repair for fetal spina bifida. Experience of the Fetal Surgery Center in Bytom - from the past to the present.


Lóránt Csákány (Szeged)

A new potential non-invasive diagnostic method for stress incontinence


Balint Kolcsar (Szeged)

The role of elastography in the identification of structural and functional abnormalities of the placenta


Gala dinner (Hotel ART)

Saturday 21 September

Scientific Session - Part 6

Chair: Peter Koliba, Dieter Bettelheim


Keynote talk 3

Jan Prada (Prague)

Medical training - what do young doctors struggle with the most?


Andrea Surányi (Szeged)

Preeclampsia: emphasize the ultrasound ingvestigations


Marius Craina (Timisoara)

Ob-gyn medical training and specialization in Romania


Mihaela Crișan-Vida (Timisoara)

Using new technologies in medical education and training


Coffee break, Award ceremony

Closing remarks

Hands-on trainings – Skill Center

(Address: 6720 Szeged, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Béla Str. 6.)


Dieter Bettelheim (Vienna)

Hands on training in prenatal diagnostic procedures using our Phantom for diagnostic procedures


Andrea Surányi (Szeged)


Ob/Gyn 12-Week Fetus Module

Basic level (8 person/1 hour)


Ob/Gyn 20-Week Fetus Module

Basic leve (6 person/1 hour)


Ob/Gyn 12-Week Fetus Module

Advanced level (4 person/1 hour)


Ob/Gyn 20-Week Fetus Module

Advanced level (4 person/1 hour)