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11th Diczfalusy Meeting - 2017

11th Annual Meeting of the
Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation

4 - 6 October, 2017
Orăștie, Romania

GreetingVenueScientific ProgrammeDownloadsAwardsPhotos


Dear Colleagues,

The aim of the Egon and Ann Diczfalusy Foundation is to support research in reproductive health and to provide updated knowledge to Obstetricians-Gynaecologists in Central-Eastern Europe. To foster its aims, every year the Foundation organises an Annual Meeting with a Diczfalusy Award Lecture Symposium on Reproductive Health. This year, The Diczfalusy Foundation will organize its 11th Meeting, the DAL 11 between 5-6 October at Arsenal Park in Orăștie, Hunedoara County, Romania.

Venue web-site: https://arsenalpark.com/

On behalf of the Scientific Committee and the Presidium of the Foundation, it is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to participate in this event. The scientific programme will include the following sessions: Sexology - sexual rights, Obstetrics, Endocrinology, Young Diczfalusy Fellows Session, Gynaecological oncology and Poster Session.

We look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you in Arsenal Park, Orăștie!

Your sincerely,

The Board of the Diczfalusy Foundation


Venue: Arsenal Park, Orăștie, Hunedoara County, Romania

Scientific programme

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

19.00 OPENING CEREMONY at the Deva National Theatre
  Introduction to Western Romania, presented by M. Craina
Introduction to Southern Hungary, presented by Gy. Bártfai
Introduction to Vojvodina, presented by T. Vejnovic
21.00 Cocktail

Thursday, 5 October 2017

by Gy. Telegdy, Gy. Bártfai, M. Craina
Chair: G. Benagiano
8.30 – 9.00 Challenges in the education at the medical faculties - an European overview
Ferenc Bari (Hungary)
9.00 – 10.45 FIRST SESSION
Sexology - Sexual rights

Chairs: S. Rakic, G. Furau, D. Wildemeersch, D. Stoian
9.00 – 9.20 Operation to change the gender: state of art
Dušan Stanojević (Serbia)
9.20 – 9.40 Sexual abuse: medico legal aspects
Daniela Dörfler (Austria)
9.40 – 9.55 Laparoscopic procedures and colpectomy in the surgical treatment of female-to-male transsexualism
Peter Koliba (Czech Republic)
9.55 – 10.15 Rejuvenation of the vulvovaginal area
Ana Mitrovic Jovanovic (Serbia)
10.15 – 10.30 Sexual behaviour and contraceptive education for adolescents
János Annus (Hungary)
10.30 – 10.45 Discussion
10.45 – 11.00 COFFEE BREAK
11.00 – 12.00 SECOND SESSION
Obstetrics - part 1

Chairs: P. Chitulea, A. Mitrovic Jovanovic, G. Németh
11.00 – 11.15 Late consequences in infants that were IUGR
Erich Cosmi (Italy)
11.15 – 11.30 The importance of thyroid function for fertility and pregnancy
Britt-Marie Landgren (Sweden)
11.30 – 11.45 Mode of delivery in preterm and very preterm babies
Dieter Bettelheim (Austria)
11.45 – 12.00 Discussion
12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM
Chairs: M. Craina, T. Vejnovic
12.10 – 12.30 Bayer - Partner for Women's Health
Zoran Popa (Romania)
12.30 – 12.45 Merck: Crinone - Progesteron gel pentru susţinerea fazei luteale în Reproducerea Asistată
Prof. Dr. Marius Craina (Romania)
12.45 – 13.00 Regina Maria Symposium
13.00 – 15.00 THIRD SESSION

Chairs: R. Póka, A. Stefanovic, D. Dörfler, D. Stoian
13.00 – 13.20 Non-Peptide Gonadotropin Releasing hormone Antagonist for Endometriosis and Uterine Fibroids
David Archer (USA)
13.20 – 13.40 Menopausal consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome
András Szilágyi (Hungary)
13.40 – 14.00 Thyroid pathology and sexuality in women
Dana Stoian (Romania)
14.00 – 14.20 Management of uterine fibroids in the daily practice - Serbian real world data
Ana Mitrovic Jovanovic (Serbia)
14.20 – 14.40 Impact of screening for preeclampsia on maternal mortality and morbidity. Low dose aspirine for prevention of preeclampsia
Nicolae Suciu (Romania)
14.40 – 14.50 Discussion
14.50 – 15.05 Secome symposium
Prof. Dr. Marius Craina (Romania)
15.05 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK
15.15 – 17.30 FOURTH SESSION
Young Diczfalusy Fellows session

Chairs: Gy. Nagy, R. Gharei, C. Furau, A. Vejnovic, M. Margan
15.15 – 15.30 Should we include the liver in the general concept of maximal cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer?
Nicolae Bacalbasa (Romania)
15.30 – 15.45 Placental location and caesarean section
Jelena Zoric (Serbia)
15.45 – 16.00 Ultrasound in gynaecological oncology
Bojana Gutic (Serbia)
16.00 – 16.15 The Ovarian Mosaicism Selection Model as a possible origin of common fetal trisomies
Lilla Babay and Gyula Richárd Nagy (Hungary)
16.15 – 16.30 The significance of human mammaglobin in breast cancer molecular subtypes
Madalin Margan (Romania)
16.30 – 16.45 The importance of the ionic composition of amniotic fluid in fetal development
Radu Neamtu (Romania)
16.45 – 17.00 Mitochondrial dysfunction in high risk pregnancy
Anca Lungu (Romania)
17.00 – 17.15 Maternal Haematological Parameters - Placental and Umbilical Cord Histopathology in Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Mária Jakó (Hungary)
17.15 – 17.30 Annual report of Young Diczfalusy Fellows
Aleksandra Vejnovic and Cristian Furau (Serbia and Romania)
17.30 – 17.45 Sunwave Pharma Symposium
Prof. Dr. Marius Craina (Romania)
17.45 – 19.00 FIFTH SESSION

Chairs: P. Koliba, B-M. Landgren, N. Suciu
17.45 – 18.05 Low PARP expression as a marker of platinum sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer
Róbert Póka, Ditrói Balázs (Hungary)
18.05 – 18.25 Tailored therapy in cervical cancer and quality of life
Aleksandra Stefanović (Serbia)
18.25 – 18.45 Challenges in treating young patiets with cancer-fertility preservation options
Katarina Jeremic (Serbia)
18.45 – 19.00 Discussion
19.30 DINNER

Friday, 6 October 2017

8.30 – 9.00 SIXTH SESSION
Poster Session
- Presentation of the best 5 posters each in 5 min
Chairs: K. Jeremic, D. Archer, D. Anastasiu
9.00 – 10.30 SEVENTH SESSION
Obstetrics - Part 2

Chairs: E. Cosmi, D. Bettelheim, A. Szilágyi, I. Sas
9.00 – 9.15 Caesarean section - the first cut isn't the deepest
Gábor Németh (Hungary)
9.15 – 9.30 Metamorphosis of obstetrical operations
Tihomir Vejnovic (Serbia)
9.30 – 9.45 Vaginal delivery and pelvic floor disorders
Snezana Rakic (Serbia)
9.45 – 10.00 Is there any room for the forceps in modern obstetrics?
Peter Chitulea (Romania)
10.00 – 10.15 Studiu comparativ al evoluţiei stării pacientei după naşterea naturală versus operaţie cezariană
Adrian Gluhovschi (Romania)
10.15 – 10.30 Vaginal delivery after Caesarean section
Doru Mihai Anastasiu (Romania)
10.30 – 10.45 SOLARTIUM Symposium
Prof. Dr. Marius Craina (Romania)
Chairs: Gy. Telegdy, Gy. Bártfai, T. Vejnovic
10.45 – 10.50 Lifetime Scientific Award Laudatory (5')
Giuseppe Benagiano
10.50 – 11.10 Acceptance speech by Marius Craina (20')
11.10 – 11.15 Hand over the Prize (5')
Gy. Telegdy
11.15 – 11.20 Young Scientist Award Laudatory (5')
Nicolae Bacalbasa
11.20 – 11.35 Acceptance speech by Aleksandra Vejnović (15')
11.35 – 11.40 Hand over the Prize (5')
Gy. Bártfai
Chair: D. Archer
12.30 – 12.45 Reproductive health: Life-styles and Health
G. Benagiano (Italy)
12.30 – 12.45 CLOSING REMARKS
Chairs: Gy. Bártfai, T. Vejnovic


Download the full Programme of the 11th DAL Meeting.



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